Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day One.

Okay, going on with the last post, I've decided to write a little bit each day of the next two weeks of my  low-carb diet! I promise to be completely honest. This will help me accountable when that cookie smell wafts through the air, or I get sad and immediately want fried chicken to soothe my spirit (which, any southern girl could tell you, it has the inexplicable power to do). 

It's Day One of the low-carb diet. (Do you also hear dramatic music in the background?) Well, technically, it's day two, but last night Jesse and I got ice-cream, so like a true procrastinator, I'm moving Day One to today. Ta-da! 

I'm happy with how today went. So much so, that I'm convincing myself I should put up the day's devourings, so you can see them. I will undoubtably regret this tomorrow, or the next day, if I am too weak to resist something deliciously carb-y. 

As it's Day One, I guess that means I should give you my beginning weight, which seems very cruel and self-inflicting, but here it goes: 165 lbs. I'm 5'6" and have quite a bit of muscle so that should give you some idea of what we are dealing with. The goal is 145 lbs. I hide it well, as I'm pear-shaped, and can wear skirts and look pretty decent. But I'm missing the feel of jeans, wanting some of the weird arm fat to leave, and just all around tired of saying "I'm going to loose weight", and then not. As the daughter of a Marine, this lack of self-discipline simply will not do. Plus, I'm starting to know tricks like "if you're wearing a skirt and don't want your thighs to chafe from rubbing together all day, rub some deoturant on your inner thighs and it won't hurt". Yes, it works, but it's just depressing. Plus, I'm rubbing the fabric of my inner thighs on my favorite pair of scrubs, and it just won't do. 

Anyway, here are the results from today:

Breakfast: skipped- not purposefully- I slept late and needed to rush to work. In the wee hours of the morning, even eating is superseded by the desire to sleep "just one more minute".

Lunch: Like many medical offices, drug reps come and bring lunch every so often (a great but dangerous perk!). Today, they brought Genghis Grill stir fry, snap peas, rice and cookies. I ate the stir fry and snap peas without rice. A grand total of: 121 calories and 11 grams of carbs. But after that, I was still hungry, and I knew that unless I had a good lunch, I would be tempted by those fresh cookies. So, off to Panera Bread I went where I ordered a Creamy Tomato soup (without croutons it's 11g of carbs less) and a pickle spear. They brought it to me with bread... which was a temptation- thank the Lord it wasn't hot and steaming, or I would've caved. So I happily ate my soup and two pickle spears, totaling: 325 calories and 13 grams of carbs.

Dinner: I made Talapia (147 calories, 0 carbs), which I fried in butter- yes, I can do that on this diet- (200 calories, 0 carbs) in a fish fry (0 calories, 7 carbs), cauliflower mashed potatoes (69 calories, 3.5  carbs- which I finally NAILED! It tasted amazing. The secret is in not overcooking the cauliflower and not pureeing it. I'm starting to like it more than the traditional potato, as afterward, I don't feel like I'm a gigantic sleepy slug of a woman. See this recipe to try: 


It's great and a great substitute for the real thing!). As I had quite a few tomatoes in the house, I also made my favorite Edisto Beach Tomato Pie, without the pie. It includes mayonnaise, cheese, tomatoes of course, and seasoning. Amazing, and it comes to 292 calories and 3.6 grams of carbs

Snack: I'm thinking I'll eat a piece of chocolate before bed, 80 calories, 6 carbs.

Grant total today: 1,234 calories and 44.1 grams of carbs!

Day One: SUCCESS. I feel full, satisfied, energetic and hopeful. 

Now, I only have to do it again for 13 more days... Also in 13 more days, I'll weigh in, and put my actual weight down... Oh Lord

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