It's been almost two months since I last posted. That's pretty bad by blogging standards, and I offer a teeny-weeny half-hearted apology. Things have been busy.
This January has been an interesting one, and if it had a theme, it would be about waiting, preparation and hard work. Not generally fun themes, but still, necessary and good for stimulating personal and spiritual growth.
I got a promotion at the medical office, and am now working with the regulatory side of research, with the occasional dabbling in drug (don't get excited, I just count the drug shipments). I started this new role in mid-January, and I have to say, I like it more than data entry. It's a detail-oriented position with little hovering, and I get to organize things the way I like, which is just perfect. But it has required a few more hours, so fitting that in has been difficult.
Church work is going great. I love planning lessons, and serving the volunteers and the kids is a great joy to me. Because I'm so passionate about it, I do take our failings (or just areas that need growth) very seriously and often worry about them. I am constantly hoping to grow personally and grow the ministry to it's full potential. Leading is not natural to me, and having to speak to so many people on Sunday does drain me quite a bit. But on those days where the service goes well, and the message and worship hit home, the reward is beyond expression. I love working behind the scenes to do all this. It's a new lesson for this opera diva.
The thing is, with the two jobs and the weird schedule, it's been hard to find a "designated day off". You don't realize how important having one day of is... you really need that day to do bills, finish projects and clean the house. Our small apartment currently resembles that of a hoarder- not because we collect random stuff, but just because it's so small and we have been blessed with so much!
So, I'm happy to say we are moving to Richardson on February 16th. It's in a great location, and the apartments are older and quaint, and, most importantly, BIGGER! Less driving, great local restaurants and a YMCA right across the street? I am fantastically excited... so much so that I am finding waiting to be very difficult. (grrr I hate waiting).
Also, big news: February 9th is my audition date for SMU. Honestly, I'm terrified. I have so much to prepare for it (not only the audition but also a theory and aural test!!!) and very little time to spare. But, I'm doing my best so I can look back and say, "I really did try my very best". Then, it really is up to the Lord whether I get in or not.
Jesse and I are doing well, despite the hectic lives we live currently. We keep each other laughing, and we are different enough that we keep challenging each other, lovingly frustrating each other, and happily enjoying what is still newlywed bliss. That's not to say we live in a dream world; we're aware of our faults and sin natures. But with the help of God, love for each other and our amazing community of friends and family (both far and near), we continue to strive towards our ultimate goal as a married couple: bringing God glory.